Now $139,238$ +tx

Now $139,238$ +tx

Take advantage now of exceptional interest rates for the purchase or lease of your Mercedes vehicle. Our exclusive offers ensure you an incomparable financial advantage, accompanied by assistance on the luxury tax*. Contact us today or visit our dealership to learn more about these unique opportunities.

On approval of credit for a 48-month lease through Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. A down payment may be required. Not all customers will qualify. The maximum monthly payment waiver, taxes included, is $750 for CLA, GLA, and GLB, $1,000 for C-Class, GLC 300 SUV, GLC Coupe, and EQB 350, $1,250 for E-Class, GLE, and EQE, and $1,700 for CLS, GLS, and EQS. Offer valid on new in-stock models for a limited time. Offers may be combined and are subject to change without notice; they expire on March 31st, 2024. See your authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer for details or call the Mercedes-Benz Customer Relations Center at 1-800-387-0100. Return to Warning 2↑

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